Staking Contract FAQ

1. What is the purpose of this smart contract?

This smart contract enables users to stake their tokens for a specified duration in exchange for some yield.

2. What is staking, and how does it benefit me?

Staking is a process where you lock up your tokens for a specific period in return for earning rewards or yield. It benefits you by providing an opportunity to earn passive income on your holdings.

3. What tokens can be staked using this contract?

Users can stake only Wsoulx tokens minted by the contract deployed at “contract address”, using this contract.

4. How does the staking duration work?

Staking duration as of now has 3 options of 3, 6, and 12 months respectively. Each duration corresponds to a different APR.

5. What is the Annual Percentage Rate (APR) used for?

The APR determines the yield percentage that users will earn on their staked tokens over the staking duration.

6. How is the yield calculated?

The yield is calculated using the formula: yield = (_amount * _apr * _duration) / time
that is, if you stake 100 Wsoulx for 90 days with 150% apr you will get : 100 * 1.5 * 90 / 365 = 36.98 as yield above your initial investment.

7. Can I modify the staking time frames or APRs?

No, only the contract owner has the ability to modify the staking time frames and APRs.

8. What events are emitted by the contract?

The contract emits two events: Staked: When a user stakes tokens, this event is emitted with details such as the user's address, staked amount, duration, and APR. Unstaked: When a user unstakes tokens, and claims the yield, this event is emitted with details such as the user's address, unstaked amount, and yield earned.

9. How do I stake tokens?

To stake tokens, you need to specify the amount and duration you want to stake for. Ensure that your selected duration matches one of the available options (3 months, 6 months, or 12 months).

10. How do I unstake tokens and claim my yield?

You can unstake your tokens after the staking duration has passed. Once unstaked, you will receive your initial staked amount along with the yield earned.

11. Is there a fee for staking or unstaking tokens?

No, there are no additional fees for staking or unstaking tokens. However, standard gas fees apply for interacting with the Polygon network.

12. How can I check my staking details and earned yield?

You can view your staking details, including the amount staked, staking duration, APR, and claimed status, using the provided functions in the contract.

13. Where can I find more information or assistance?

For further information or assistance, please reach out on the website contact us page.

14. How safe is staking my tokens in this contract?

This contract is built on the Polygon blockchain and follows industry-standard security practices.

15. Can I withdraw my tokens before the staking duration ends?

No, once you stake your tokens for a specific duration, they are locked until the end of that period. Early withdrawal is not permitted in this contract.

16. How often will I receive my staking rewards or yield?

Your staking rewards or yield will be available for withdrawal once the staking duration ends. You can then claim both your initial staked amount and the yield earned.

17. Is there a minimum or maximum amount required for staking?

There is no specific minimum or maximum amount required for staking. You can stake any amount of tokens that you wish, subject to availability and contract conditions.

18. What happens if I forget to claim my rewards after the staking period ends?

If you forget to claim your rewards after the staking period ends, they will remain in the contract until you initiate the unstaking process to claim them. There is no automatic claiming of rewards.

19. How can I track my staking progress and rewards earned?

You can track your staking progress, including the amount staked, remaining duration, and rewards earned, on your investment page

20. Can I stake tokens multiple times with different durations?

Yes, you can stake tokens multiple times with different durations if you choose. Each staking instance will be treated as a separate stake with its own duration and rewards.

21. What happens if the contract terms or APRs change after I've staked my tokens?

If there are any changes to the contract terms or APRs after you've staked your tokens, the changes will apply to future stakes. Your existing stakes will continue to follow the terms and APRs that were in place when you staked them.

22. How to stake ?

Enter the amount into input box as your desire time period then click on stake button, after that there will be a confirmation box will come up click on confirm button after the first your transaction will get approved by contract wait for few second then again metamask will pop-up to make final stake transaction.